External Publications

Dispatches on Climate and Health - The New York Times

08 Dec 2023

Impact on epilepsy.

Epilepsy & Tech - SmartHealth Magazine

03 Apr 2023

How technology is helping people affected by the epilepsies around the world.

Yes brainer - PharmaTimes Magazine

26 Jan 2023

Epilepsy and mental health – a patient’s perspective on breaking out from conceptual silos.

Entering The Matrix: where patients, scientists, and clinicians work together - Epilepsy in English (RoI)

08 April 2021

Our scientists and researchers are those who have a true passion for their work. The devotion it requires in terms of intellect, effort, time, and financial investment, are rarely seen by those outside of the circle. But I can tell you something; these people are often embracing their inner child! Let me explain...

RARE or not - we're in this together - Rare Revolution Magazine (UK)

Oct 12, 2020

Some time ago, a couple of others from the European Patient Advocacy Group of EpiCARE said that in their eyes, I had a rare epilepsy. I'd never thought of it as such before...

Mental Health Care During Winter - River City Press (New Zealand)

20 Aug 2020

Torie writes about how to use plants to help cope with depression and SAD during the winter.
"The sadness I feel when the skies become grey is immediate. When winter hits; when the trees look barren and dead when I can’t hear birds or animals rustling in the trees; that’s it. When the days are so short that by the time I’ve more than a tad depressing. A new type of low hits me."

Why Epilepsy Research Is Crucial - Epilepsy Research UK

17 Jun 2020

Truthfully, no one fully understands what each person with epilepsy is going through; each brain is of course unique. But we must know that the best of the best researchers and academics at ERUK, more than acknowledge this, are dedicating their lives to changing our worlds for the better. I don’t know about you, but when I think about this it makes me smile. A lot.

Epilepsy & Energy Levels - of Lack Thereof - Epilepsy Action (UK)

06 April 2020

What does one write about when it comes to epilepsy? This is a question I’m forever asking myself because the choice of topics is so vast – epilepsy affects pretty much everything in your life when you have it. Today I shall speak of energy levels – or lack thereof...

Getting Involved with ePAG - International Epilepsy News, International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE)

14 Feb 2020

As a person with “regular” temporal lobe epilepsy and as someone who was just trying to get on with one’s life, I hadn’t ever heard of rare and complex epilepsies. Who has heard of Tuberous Sclerosis? Or CDKL5? Or Ring20? If you have – I take my hat off to you! Prior to my involvement with EpiCARE, I hadn’t heard of any of these types of rare and complex epilepsies.

Being an International Patient Advocate - FutureNeuro (RoI)

10 Feb 2020

International Epilepsy Day is a joint initiative created by the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) and the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). It is a global event celebrated annually on the 2nd Monday of February, to promote awareness on epilepsy right around the world. Obviously, here at FutureNeuro, we are passionate about epilepsy and epilepsy research and we are privileged to work alongside many like-minded people and organisations.

Mental health and epilepsy - Tubular Sclerosis Association (UK)

Dec 2019

My main purposes of the day were to empower those affected by epilepsy and mental illness through education, the realisation that they are not alone, and to highlight that there is help out there for them.

Mind CV & LinkedIn workshop - Mind in Croydon (UK)

Dec 2019

“Training clients how to do their CVs and LinkedIn profiles has been so rewarding. The best part for me has been seeing clients’ eyes light up when they started to recognise just how valuable to an employer they really were and what potential they had. To see clients leave the training with a CV, a LinkedIn profile, a smile, with hope, and with a plan for the future has been wonderful."

Depression & Epilepsy - Epilepsy Today (UK)

03 Nov 2019

I had depression, anxiety, epilepsy, and what turned out to be emotional disorder; all of which worsened with time and without treatment…

Everyone's Talking Mental Health, But Are We Really Listening? - Rare Revolution Magazine (UK)

Oct 2019

It’s constantly in the news of late and it seems an increasing public awareness of mental health issues is finally happening. Society is slowly acknowledging that mental health is as important as physical health and that the two are inextricably linked. Schools and employers are starting to understand the importance of managing mental health…..

Stripping, Drugs, Neurosurgery: Living With Epilepsy - Illinois Science Council (US)

Jul 2019

Somehow, the first seizure I recall makes me giggle. I was getting changed after sports at school, age 6-ish, when I had a focal seizure, a seizure that starts on one side of the brain. The problem really was that I was still only half-dressed when I started walking down the corridor in only my underwear. It wasn’t until I was about to enter the classroom that I came out of the seizure. Can you imagine how different my life might have been if I had half-flashed my classmates?!