Epilepsy Stigma - Eradicating It In Latin America - Gabriela Reyes Valenzuela, Hospital de Pediatría Juan P. Garrahan, Argentina
Stigma is to be challenged through education. Gabriela Reyes Valenzuela, a peadiatric epileptologist based in Argentina explains her invaluable training regarding epilepsy provided to influential community leaders.
Meet Gabriela
Communication with parents/caregivers
Stigma & Gabriela’s sister in community/work
Education is key for challenging stigma
Areas to learn about in epilepsy
Epilepsy isn’t just seizures
Challenging the stigma by educating societal influencers!
How trainees react to training, plus content!
Training about epilepsy morbidities other than seizures!
Educating teachers - impacts upon cognition & education
Learn more about Gabriela & her work
Gabriela is a child neurologist with a specialisation in epileptology working at Hospital Nacional de Pediatria Juan P Garrahan in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Gabriela is also the:
Codirector of the hospital's epilepsy fellowship program and a member of the Interdisciplinary Team of Difficult-to-Control Epilepsies, and
Representative of YES Argentina
Currently, Gabriela is working on her Ph.D. which studies the topic "Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Cannabidiol for Epileptic Encephalopathies."
Twitter: gaby_reva2
LinkedIn: gabriela-reyes-valenzuela
Hospital: Hospital de Pediatría Garrahan
ResearchGate: Gabriela-Reyes-15