Epilepsy - Fundraising for Care - Romania - Eugenia Roza, Children's Hospital “Doctor Victor Gomoiu” (Spitalul Clinic de Copii “Doctor Victor Gomoiu”), Romania
Learn how funds are generated for the care of children with an epilepsy, fun times, and how it’s crucial to work with the whole family - with peadiatric neurologist and secretary of ILAE YES, Eugenia Roza, Romania.
Meet Eugenia
Fundraising for epilepsy care
Genetic testing & advice for children with a severe epilepsy
Awareness Days with families
Family involvement is crucial
The future for epilepsy care
Thank you
Eugenia is a peadiatric neurologist, specialising in the epilepsies, with a passion for electroneurophysiology and rare diseases.
LinkedIn: eugenia-roza
Twitter: eugeniaroza1501
Hospital: Children's Hospital Doctor Victor Gomoiu (Spitalul Clinic de Copii Doctor Victor Gomoiu)
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy: umfcd.ro
Neurocare: neurocare.ro
ILAE: eugenia-roza1
ILAE YES: young-epilepsy-section
ResearchGate: Eugenia-Roza
Purple Day: Purple Day - Eugenia Roza, Romania 🇷🇴
360Medical (Romanian): dr-eugenia-roza-medic-neurolog-pediatru